that is a bit backwards imo.
The Dragon
JoinedPosts by The Dragon
Why do witnesses tell others how to live their lives, yet their own homes..
by The Dragon inare in turmoil?.
i have been watching my witness mother refuse to confront her many problems with my father and brothers...instead running out at every opportunity to knock on her nieghbor's doors and tell them how some men in new york think they should be living their lives and running their household, calling it the "truth"...all while anyone who knows her knows what a mess her home life is.. .
for one i think she should be a bit more selective on what she defines as truth..for two i don't think she can lead by example only empty hypocritical words.. .
who should be held acountable? footsoldiers or leaders ?
by The Dragon inwould our leadership be of better quality if they knew they would be held accountable for their decisions, orders and examples they set to their subordinates?
or are they confident/cocky they will never have to answer for their mistakes and do things the way they want to do them as a result of this perhaps shortsighted view on things?.
i mean who is going to police the police so to speak?.
The Dragon
I would also like to make a new logo for a tee shirt: GOT FRIENDS?
Can i make some money on that idea?
who should be held acountable? footsoldiers or leaders ?
by The Dragon inwould our leadership be of better quality if they knew they would be held accountable for their decisions, orders and examples they set to their subordinates?
or are they confident/cocky they will never have to answer for their mistakes and do things the way they want to do them as a result of this perhaps shortsighted view on things?.
i mean who is going to police the police so to speak?.
The Dragon
Well...their conduct and results points to the bet they have made.......
If they are wrong.....they better use all the intelligence and attornies they can muster to defend and justify this personal decision they have made at everyone elses expense..including their own children.
But I don't think it would be enough should a higher court call them into question and demand answers.
Or perhaps they could prove me wrong on this.
My attitude is like prove me wrong...I am the biggest pussy in the world...If I know i am right? I am the most vicious pitt bull you have ever encounterd in your life...and when i finish with you...i will give you pat on the ass and say "good game".
I don't need guns or weapons..just an airtight case on those who chose to be my enemies, freedom of speech, and the internet so i can bring it to the customer base they have been kicking around.
I don't like the idea spending all your time protecting others...I Would rather show others how to defend themselves so I Can focus on things important in my personal my children.
Why do witnesses tell others how to live their lives, yet their own homes..
by The Dragon inare in turmoil?.
i have been watching my witness mother refuse to confront her many problems with my father and brothers...instead running out at every opportunity to knock on her nieghbor's doors and tell them how some men in new york think they should be living their lives and running their household, calling it the "truth"...all while anyone who knows her knows what a mess her home life is.. .
for one i think she should be a bit more selective on what she defines as truth..for two i don't think she can lead by example only empty hypocritical words.. .
The Dragon
are in turmoil?
I have been watching my witness mother refuse to confront her many problems with my father and brothers...instead running out at every opportunity to knock on her nieghbor's doors and tell them how some men in New York think they should be living their lives and running their household, calling it the "truth"...all while anyone who knows her knows what a mess her home life is.
For one I think she should be a bit more selective on what she defines as truth..for two I don't think she can lead by example only empty hypocritical words.
Am i close in my diagnosis of this problem?
who should be held acountable? footsoldiers or leaders ?
by The Dragon inwould our leadership be of better quality if they knew they would be held accountable for their decisions, orders and examples they set to their subordinates?
or are they confident/cocky they will never have to answer for their mistakes and do things the way they want to do them as a result of this perhaps shortsighted view on things?.
i mean who is going to police the police so to speak?.
The Dragon
Would our leadership be of better quality if they knew they would be held accountable for their decisions, orders and examples they set to their subordinates? Or are they confident/cocky they will never have to answer for their mistakes and do things the way they want to do them as a result of this perhaps shortsighted view on things?
I mean who is going to police the police so to speak?
Is the Supreme Court going to govern the Supreme Court? if they cannot do so nor wish can they govern and lead others?
Any thoughts?
Tactics for confronting and exposing false teachers....
by The Dragon ini have noticed for some time how the method for combat against what many people define as false teaching or brainwashing usually includes and consists of attacks and acusations against those they feel are perpetrating these things against others.
these attacks seem to have the opposite effect as intended..and are defined by the perps as "persecution" of the truth...and easy to defeat as they have no undisputable truth to back them up...or a theory paried by a theory if you will.
it even solidifys their they were not defeated or moved by the your attack.. .
The Dragon
I have noticed for some time how the method for combat against what many people define as false teaching or brainwashing usually includes and consists of attacks and acusations against those they feel are perpetrating these things against others. These attacks seem to have the opposite effect as intended..and are defined by the perps as "persecution" of the truth...and easy to defeat as they have no undisputable truth to back them up...or a theory paried by a theory if you will. It even solidifys their they were not defeated or moved by the your attack.
Questions are my weapon of choice for this sort of war. If you humble yourself and present a thirst for their knowledge by asking a question EVEN if you know they don't have an can you be in the wrong? Unfortunantly..their structure is designed to prevent this sort of attack from happening. Questions are regulated to privacy...and if you expose their ignorance in private..and present it to becomes an attack or an accusation. I wish I could figure out a way around this defense they have set up. The trick is...get them to attack you for asking the questions in front of everyone..or persecute YOU...let them beat you into the you the devil..until a time of your choosing to drop the hammer with a simple question....Why are you persecuting me for asking a question...are you not a teacher holding the answers to questions?
That is how I attack...but I am wondering if anyone knows a way to get them to drop their defenses or a way around it? I cannot figure that part out on my own.
Do other religions have questions you're not allowed to ask ?
by A Paduan inthere seem to be certain unanswerable questions that only "apostates" would ask - ones that sort of send up a flare.. do other religions have these "you must be the debbil" fears of thought ?.
The Dragon
To take out this doctrine or cult and others.....To try to attack them with accusations as many try to do...they expect that..and define it as "persucution" turning your listeners against you...solidifying their position.
It doesn't work very fast..if at all...
But to see them turn on a bunch of humble questioners...would put them a position of being the persecuters in front of their own followers.....
Questions are my weapon of choice for this very reason...soon as they try to break bad and attack..all I gotta do is respond...."what did I do wrong? was it not a question..and are you not a teacher?"
When they attack I let them bury themselves real good in it...then cut them in half with their own words and actions.
party is then over.
Do other religions have questions you're not allowed to ask ?
by A Paduan inthere seem to be certain unanswerable questions that only "apostates" would ask - ones that sort of send up a flare.. do other religions have these "you must be the debbil" fears of thought ?.
The Dragon
Questions also require a bit of humbleness..and admittance of ignorance that many do not display publically for fear of how they will be seen by others by asking them.
However....if the questioned does not know either..and professes a great amount of knowledge into the subject....things can get very interesting real quick.
Simply put....The Emporer has no clothes on....ever read that book?
That is why questions off a certain topic is steered into privicy.....
If the people break free from the leader's topics and planned discourse..and ask questions he is not ready for...he is in big trouble.
Do other religions have questions you're not allowed to ask ?
by A Paduan inthere seem to be certain unanswerable questions that only "apostates" would ask - ones that sort of send up a flare.. do other religions have these "you must be the debbil" fears of thought ?.
The Dragon
A proverb I put together awhile back by what I have experienced by my questions seems fitting here...
An unresearched attack or accusation leads one into a battle on the enemies terms....
Questions when used as a weapon lead to answers, lies or silence from opposers.
Perhaps some people don't like to be silenced..or have to make up a lie on the fly to cover up their ignorance?
Do you find the forum addictive?
by avidbiblereader inhow many find that they need or want to be on the forum at least once a day?
do you like keeping up with fellow posters and friends or do like being able to give your thoughts without the fear of being criticized?
i look at some of the amounts that some have posted wow and i am no better for only being here less than a month, it is a great place to talk and get loads of wisdom from others on a variety of subjects, thanks everyone for the thoughtful expressions and heartfelt posts.. abr.
The Dragon
Is there an universal definition for addiction?
Give me that information...and I can better decide if I meet the criteria......